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The first idea about periodontal wound goes back 40 years, when the first research began by academician Uroš Skalerič. 

He has written extensive research and articles on the development of periodontal disease and the impact of periodontal disease on different systemic diseases. Through years of research and testing, the periodontal wound program team has created the Periodontalwound™ application. The application was created by ADAL d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia in cooperation with dental hygiene school Skaldens, Ljubljana Slovenia a team from Slovenia.

Academic Professor

Uroš Skalerič

Assistant Professor

Eva Skalerič

M. Sci. Ing. IT.

Luka Dobričić


Founder, researcher and visionary in the field of periodontal wound evaluation 



Founder and researcher in the field of periodontal wound evaluation 



Founder and head of periodontalwound™ application development


California (USA)

Uroš Skalerič

Academic Professor

Uroš Skalerič, dr. PhD. Periodontist

SASA Member

Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in Science

Zois Award for life work

Zois Award for outstanding achievements in the field of scientific research and development 

Full member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

1987  has established the Center for Dental Research with the Institute of Jožef Stefan

Founder of the Higher Education School for Dental Hygienists in Slovenia

His bibliography comprises 270 units, including articles in foreign scientific journals of the highest rank, such as Nature and Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America. He is the most frequently cited Slovenian dentist.

Uroš Skalerič was born on 9 April 1945 in Ljubljana. He graduated at the Department of Stomatology of the Ljubljana Faculty of Medicine in 1968. From 1971 to 1972, he attended a two-semester graduate studies programme at the National School Health Andrija Štampar at the University of Zagreb and received a degree in public health. In 1975, he earned a MSc and a doctorate from the Ljubljana Faculty of Medicine in 1979. In 1978 he became a specialist in dental diseases, oral diseases and parodonthology. From 1980 to 1981 he received a scholarship from the Fulbright Scholarship Fund and lectured as Visiting Associate Professor at the department of dental parodonthology of the Emory University in Atlanta, USA. During his second lengthy specialisation period (1987-1990), he was Visiting Researcher at the Laboratory of Microbiology and Immunology of the National Institute of Dental Research (NIH) in Bethesda, USA as a Fulbright fellow.

In 1977, Skalerič was elected Assistant Lecturer at the Department of oral diseases and parodonthology at the Faculty of Medicine. He became Assistant Professor at the same department in 1985, Associate Professor in 1990, and Full Professor in 1993. From 1983 to 2008, he headed the Centre for Oral Diseases and Parodonthology at the Dental Clinic, and has, since 1998 acted as Head of the Department of Dental Medicine at the Ljubljana Faculty of Medicine. He was Associate Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in the period 1995-2005. Since 1994, he has been Director of the Department of Oral Diseases and Parodonthology at the Faculty of Medicine. Since 1997, he has worked as Medical Director of the Dental Clinic. In 1987, he founded the Centre for Dental Research, as part of the Dental Clinic and  the Jozef Stefan Institute, which he still chairs today.

The research work of Professor. Dr. Uros Skalerič is evident from his bibliography, and contains three substantive areas related to periodontics, dental research and dental tissue using magnetic resonance, epidemiology, etiopathogensis and new treatment options for periodontal disease.

He has published 66 scientific articles in prestigious international journals, 60 in SCI indexed journals. In national professional literature, Skalerič published 125 articles, together with 39 articles in books and international congress journals. His works have been cited 712 times, of which 644 direct citations. He reported about his research work during 48 invited lectures at international conferences and foreign universities, at 42 international congresses, conferences and 69 national professional meetings.

As editor and author of 8 chapters, he published a basic textbook for dentistry students  entitled Stomatološka klinična preiskava ( Dental Clinical Examination) in 2006.

He has mentored nine master candidates and seven doctors of science.


Personal bibliography for the period 1974-2020

Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Eva Skalerič

assistant dr.

Eva Skalerič, PhD. Periodontist

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assist. dr. Eva Skalerič, Ph.D. 

Department of Oral Diseases and Periodontology, University Clinical Center and Ljubljana Medical Faculty

Lecturer at Higher Education School for Dental Hygienists 

Eva Skaleric graduated from Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana in 1994. In 2012 she specialized in Periodontology  and in 2013 she received her PhD. She works as a Teaching Assistant in the Department for Oral Medicine and Periodontology in Faculty of Medicine, Ljubljana and as a specialist  periodontist in University Clinical Center Ljubljana. She also teaches at the Higher Education School for Dental Hygienists in Ljubljana. Her research is focused on epidemiology of periodontal disease, periodontal medicine and oral medicine. She is the author and coauthor of many scientific papers.

Luka Dobričić

M. Sci. Ing. IT.

Luka Dobričić

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Head of Development for and

Many years of experience in the field of project management and leading project teams in the IT industry and sales promotion for various domestic and foreign markets. My work includes the preparation of plans for concept projects, the establishment of coordination between companies and management of project teams.

For two years I worked with an international company (RV1-Technologies, Dubai) in Dubai, where I perfected during the years 2006-2008

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