It is known that periodontal disease is associated with certain systemic diseases. To investigate the risk for systemic health proposed by periodontal disease, it is important to know how big of a surface inflamed periodontal tissues represent. There fore, we developed a new method for quantifying the size of periodontal wound and periodontal inflammatory burden. To quantify the size of periodontal wound and periodontal inflammatory burden we need average teeth neck circumferences, probing depths and the information about bleeding on probing at six sites around each tooth. We tested the method on 238 (randomly selected) subjects and found that the average size of the periodontal wound amounts to 2,84 cm2 and periodontal inflammatory burden to 9,25 cm2.
CRP is a predictive biological marker of systemic inflammation and its increased concentration represents a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Subjects with hsCRP values 1mg/l have a low, subjects with hsCRP levels 13 mg/l a moderate and subjects with hsCRP values 3mg/l have a high risk for cardiovascular diseases. We measured hsCRP (highsensitivity Creactive protein) levels in the sera of our 238 subjects and found an association between the size of periodontal inflam matory burden and the levels of hsCRP and concluded that the size of periodontal inflammatory burden 4,5 cm2 represents a moderate risk for cardiovascular complications.
Periodontal inflammatory burden correlates with C-reactive protein serum level
Objective: The aim of study was to present a new method for evaluation of the periodontal inflammatory burden, to apply the method to the adult population and to correlate it with serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP).